Monday, November 24, 2008

Give thanks to the Lord for He is GOOD....

As I sit here this morning, checking emails, getting Grace on the bus, and drinking my coffee, I think of how many things I have to be grateful for! So often, I get caught up in the business of life that I don't slow down to give thanks to the Lord for all that I have in life. Sometimes it is so easy to focus on the negative, that the positive is left in the shadows!

My mom's health and life may be in jeopardy right now. I am thankful that I have a loving, involved mama who is there for me and my family every day of her life.

It is hard to make ends meet when there is no margin between income and spending. I'm thankful we have food on the table, cars that run, a beautiful home, and healthy children.

The Christmas season is just so darned busy. I am thankful that we can give our children a TRULY blessed Christmas, no matter how much we had to scale back this year!!! They have more than many children ever could dream.

Having Bipolar Disorder is a cross to bear every day of my life. I am thankful for good insurance that pays for my doctors visits and low copays for my medications.

I sure feel lonely without a bunch of godly sisters in my life. I am thankful for the close friends that I have. They are a blessing of abundance in my life!

See- there is a silver lining. In every storm of life, we must PRAISE Him! In every circumstance, there is SOMETHING to be thankful for! The things that we take for granted every day can bless us so much if we take the time to see them for the gifts that they are!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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